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【Fair Trade Cup 2019 — My Favorite Female Footballer Meet and Greet】

26/08/2019 - 01/09/2019
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【Fair Trade Cup 2019 — My Favorite Female Footballer Meet and Greet】

26/08/2019 - 01/09/2019
【In Her Shoes, we are breaking stereotypes for women in Asia】

Fair Trade promotes gender equality. In order to better empower women, Fair Trade introduces ‘My Favorite Female Footballer' award in Fair Trade Cup 2019 to recognize female players in Hong Kong. The Cup invited all the teams from Division 1 Female Football League to play with football teams while raising fund for women in Pakistan.

Pakistan ranks 148 out of 149 in the latest Global Gender Gap Index, which is the second worst country on gender equality. Even basic needs such as those around menstrual hygiene are not met. There is stigma around menstruation, while 44% women are using rags, newspaper, or even leaves because they cannot afford sanitary pads. Girls are also forced to drop out from school during periods.

Hong Kong is a better living place in terms of gender equality than Pakistan but we still see gender stereotypes in the society. Football is one of the sectors where we still find discrimination against women and girls. At the Fair Trade Cup 2019, participating teams will have the chance to play against Hong Kong women Division 1 Teams to experience their enthusiasm and power. You can also vote online for 'My Favorite Female Footballer' to show your support and raise fund for Pakistan wormen to buy basic sanatary products.

Date: 1st Sep, 2019 (Sun)
Time: 15:00 -17:00
Venue: THE FOREST Piazza

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