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【The New Launch of K Dollar Program】

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【The New Launch of K Dollar Program】

Effective from 22 March 2022, you can now earn K Dollars whenever you shop and dine at over 500 participating merchants in town through K Dollar Program – a unified loyalty program jointly collaborated between New World Group and Chow Tai Fook. You are required to bind your KLUB 11 membership with your K Dollar Program account to continue earning and spending K Dollars faster and easier. 

Your existing, non-expired K Dollars will be eligible for usage when both accounts have been linked. 
If you choose to bind the accounts later, you may still register your spending, but no K Dollars will be earned from the transactions. You must bind the membership accounts on or before 31 December 2022, after which all your existing K Dollars will be forfeited.

Upon binding your KLUB 11 and K Dollar Program accounts, all your existing KLUB Points will be converted into K Points (K Dollars) which are eligible for usage in Hong Kong. Only subsequent spending made in Hong Kong will be eligible for earning K Dollars.

How to bind:
1.     Press ‘Bind’ on the top of the homepage of the ‘K11 HK’ App. 
2.       a) Verify your K Dollar Program membership account for binding; OR
          b) Register as a new K Dollar Program member for binding
3.     Start earning K Dollars and spending it as cash at THE FOREST and other participating partners within the Group after binding successfully! 

BIND YOUR ACCOUNTS NOW to enjoy earning and spending K Dollars in a faster and easier way!
•    Earn K Dollars: HK1 = 1 K Point 
•    Spend K Dollars: 250 K Points = 1 K Dollar = HK$1
Terms and conditions applied. 

Click HERE for details on K Dollar Program. 

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